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About Us   
..…………............ CSCO MILESTONES 2006

Christians Supporting Community Organizing (CSCO) is a bold national attempt to change the relationship between the theologically conservative parts of the Protestant church and community organizing.

from the report by USC's Center for Religion and Civic Culture (Fall, '99). For entire report see CSCO website in "About Us."


The purpose of Christians Supporting Community Organizing (CSCO) is to work for the shalom of our society (Jeremiah 29:7) and of our churches by engaging Evangelical, Holiness and Pentecostal churches in congregation-based community organizations. To work for the shalom is to work for systemic/ structural justice within our communities and churches. By engaging in this work, we are seeking to bring all of life under the Lordship of Christ.


The mission of CSCO is to motivate, enable and support churches and pastors of Evangelical, Holiness and Pentecostal traditions to become active members of regionally- and nationally-networked congregation-based community organizations in their city.

Christians Supporting Community Organizing,

Christians Supporting Community Organizing,
P. O. Box 60123

Dayton, OH 45406


Dr. Stephen Mott,
Dr. Dick Righter,
Dr. Wally Tilleman

Dr. Norman Wetterau



Boston Branch at CUME

        The Boston Branch again held all-day workshops as the conclusion
of a required  seminary course on “Church and Community” at the
Gordon-Conwell Center for Urban Ministerial Education (CUME).  The
workshop provides a biblical grounding for Faith Based Community
Organizing (FBCO) and identifies its strategy.  The course was run in
both spring and fall this year with a total of 53 students of whom 32
were African-American, Hispanic, or Asian-American.  Many of them are
already urban church leaders.

CSCO Relates to Organizers

The organizers of the InterValley Project in CT, MA, NH, and ME
received an introduction workshop by our Boston Branch.  It
demonstrated our approach in instructing EPH leaders in the biblical
basis of FBCO.  Several of the organizers were EPH or came from that
background.  They were pleased with the biblical thoroughness of our
approach, rather than proof-texting.  At least two will have us do a
workshop in their organization.

Website Progresses


 In the last four years we have had over 53,000 hits. We are running about 15,000 hits per year now. Our largest numbers come through our Google advertising – the largest number (4.830) or 55% of Google hits came from our ad , “Free Bible Studies on Social Justice.” “Free Memory Verses on Social Justice” ad got 3,000 hits.



     Are you aware of the CSCO-Discuss email list? This list provides more regular updates about CSCO. You can discuss your ideas with others. We encourage you to join the list if you’ve not yet joined. To subscribe, send an email message from the email address that you want to use for the list to:  

CSCODiscuss - subscribe@Yahoogroups.com


 2006 Annual Meeting

The annual meeting was an experiment in meeting in conjunction with another organization.  In this case it was the urban congress of SCUPE (Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education).  It worked well.  The pre-Congress workshop by Bob Linthicum on empowering the poor that we cosponsored with Partners in Urban Transformation was well attended.
  As result of our workshops and our exhibit throughout the SCUPE
meeting, a couple of dozen names were added to our mailing list and a dozen names to CSCODiscuss.

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  CSCO, P.O. Box 60123, Dayton, OH 45406; email: cscocbco@aol.com phone: 508-799-7726