Advocacy in the New Testament
William Stringfellow
"A clue, to me most edifying, is the advocacy
characteristic of the New Testament. This clue is evident in every
episode in the Gospels in which Jesus ministers to the despised, the
diseased, the dispossessed or in which he confronts the rich, the
powerful, the mighty. (e.g. Matt 8:5-10 and 9:10-13; Mark 5:35043;
Luke 16:19-31; John 4:46-54.)
"It is verified in the comparable Acts of the
Apostles (Acts 3:1-4:31)
"It is redundant in the exhortations of
Paul's epistles. (Notably in the Corinthian Correspondence.)
"It is confirmed in the letters of other
authors. (As in the Letter of James or the First Letter of John.)
"It is a strenuous emphasis in the book of
Revelation (Rev. 21 and 22).
"In the resurrection, this is epitomized
wherein Christ serves as advocate of all humanity throughout time
(cf. Acts 17:29-31; Rom. 8:31-39).
"So in this age the church of Christ is
called as the advocate of every victim of the rulers of the age, and
that, not because the victim is right, for the church does not know
how any are judged in the Word of God, but because the victim is a
"Advocacy is how the church puts into
practice its own experience of the victory of the Word of God over
the power of death, how the church lives in the efficacy of the
resurrection amidst the reign of death in this world, how the church
expends it slife in freedom, from both intimidation and enthrallment
of death or of any agencies of death, how the church honors the
sovereignty of the Word of God in history against the counterclaims
of the ruling principalities."
from Conscience and Obedience by
William Stringfellow, Word Books, 1977, p. 94-95