"Important as gospel methods may be, there is none
more important than personal evangelism. For this is fundamental, even in
the large, public enterprises. It was Philip's method. Philip brought
Andrew, and Andrew brought Peter. Andrew never preached a great sermon nor
did a 'great' thing, so far as we know. But he was instrumental in saving
his famous brother, and that was worth while.
"It was Christ's method. He dealt personally with the
women at the well. He gave Nicodemus the best and greatest truth that He
had. ... If every Christian were to give himself to personal evangelism,
winning one soul a year, more persons would be saved than are today being
led to Christ by the preaching of all the ministers in the world
combined." (225) "Not only has the Church adjusted herself to
changing social conditions, but she has been the principal factor in
social progress." (13)
"More dangerous than any opposing religious
system is the Church's apparent failure to recognize the influence
of the social and physical conditions which affect many of those
whom we are seeking to win to Christ." (21)
""Class distinctions are more sharply
drawn in the city than they are in the country. A deep hatred for
those of the so-called upper class is only too frequently manifested
by men and women whose lives have become narrowed by what they
consider great inequalities in opportunity for securing more of the
comforts of life." (23)
"The world that works is waking up! and
waking particularly to a sense of its own great power. Some day they
will peacefully take that justice which is denied them, and not only
for themselves, but for all." (24)
"Will the Church be true to her commission,
to the example of her Master, and to her own history, or will she
admit defeat at the hands of here rivals or her foes, ancient and
modern? Will she confess that the social conditions which confront
us as a Church and as a nation are too great a problem for her to
meet and solve?" (37)
"The Church most realize that the ordinary
means of grace will not suffice in the average city mission field.
Dozens of dead or dying churches testify to this fact. The people
living in such a community will look to the Church for almost every
need in their lives." (47)
"The Church must preach a clearer message
with regard to the social problems of the day. ... the preacher must
apply the great principles of Jesus Christ, the principles of
righteousness, of justice, of love, and of service to these great
problems." (60)
"Some good souls are very much afraid of
ethical preaching. But we have excellent authority for such
preaching in the example given us by the pr9ophets and by Jesus
Christ Himself. Some of the people in the Church who are retarding
the progress of the kingdom have undoubtedly experienced a spiritual
conversion, but they need to be converted socially." (61)
"What is needed, therefore, is a regularly
organized Church, which ministers to all the needs of the people
living in the community. Such a Church, peoperly organized and
aggressively conducted, with an evangelistic basis, is sure to win
the people." (166)
"Whatever may be said in condemnation of
individualistic evangelism, and however inadequate it may be to meet
all the needs of men - social and ethical - nevertheless it is
fundamental in the task of bringing about right relationships
between men. Therefore, in the gifts which God has distributed among
men, He has given it to some to be evangelists - men whose peculiar
work it is to win others to Christ." (192)
excerpts from Christianity's Storm Centre,
Charles Stelzle, Fleming H . Revell, 1907.
Charles Stelzle graduated from Moody Bible
Institute. As a theological conservative, he ministered in New York
City tenements and established a Labor Temple.
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