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by Philip Jacob Spener
(Fortress, 1964 (1675)

    "During his last years Spener served as a sponsor at the baptism of Nicholas Zinzendorf, ... Another link was later forged between Zinzendorf and John Wesley ... who further developed Spener;s view of Christian perfection." (p 24- introduction by Theodore G. Tappert)

    "When we observe the political estate and behold those in it who according to the divine prophecy (Isa 49:23) made in the New Testament, ... how few there are who remember that God govae them their scepters and staffs in order that they use their power to advance the kingdom of God! (p43) ...

   "Distressing as conditions in the political estate are, we preachers in the ecclesiastical estate cannot deny that our estate is also thoroughly corrupt. Thus most of the deterioration in the church has its source in the two higher estates. (p44) ...

   "We do not understand the perfection which we demand of the church in such a way that not a single hypocrite is any longer to be found in it, for we know that there is no field of grain in which there are no weeds. What we mean is that the church should be free of manifest offenses, that nobody who is afflicted with such failings should be allowed to remain in the church without fitting reproof and ultimately exclusion, and that the true members of the church should be richly filled with many fruits of their faith. Thus the weeds will no longer cover the grain and make it unsightly, as is unfortunately often the case now, but the weeks will be covered by the grain and made inconspicuous. ... Histories of the church testify that the early Christian church was in such a blessed state that as a rule Christians could be identified by their godly life ... Justin records in his apology that some were converted through the uprightness and justice of the Christians in their dealing with men. (p81-2)

   "Let us remember that in the last judgment we shall not be asked how learned we were and whether we displayed our learning before the world; to what extent we enjoyed the favor of men and knew how to deep it; with what honors were exalted and how great a reputation in the world we left behind us; or how many treasures of earthly goods we amassed for our children and thereby drew a curse upon ourselves. Instead, we shall be asked how faithfully and with how childlike a heart we sought to further the kingdom of God; ... with what zeal we opposed not only error but also wickedness of life; or with what constancy and cheerfulness we endured the peersecution or adversity thrust upon us by the manifestly godless world or by false brethren, and amid such suffering praised our God." (p36-7)

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