Catherine of Siena
Paragraph 69
"Now I want to tell you
about a second sort of delusion. These people find all their
pleasure in seeking their own spiritual consolation - so much so
that often they see their neighbors in spiritual or temporal need
and refuse to help them. Under pretense of virtue they say, ‘It
would make me lose my spiritual peace and quiet, and I would not
be able to say my Hours at the proper time.’ They if they do not
enjoy consolation they think they have offended me. But they are
deceived by their own spiritual pleasure, and they offend me more
by not coming to the help of their neighbors’ need than if they
abandoned all their consolations. For I have ordained every
exercise of vocal and mental prayer to bring souls to perfect love
for me and their neighbors and to keep them in this love.
"So they offend me more by
abandoning charity for their neighbor for a particular exercise or
for spiritual quiet than if they had abandoned the exercise for
their neighbor. For in charity for their neighbors they would find
me, but in their own pleasure, where they are seeking me, they
will be deprived of me. Why? Because by not helping they are by
that very fact diminishing their charity for their neighbors. When
their charity for their neighbors is diminished, so is my love for
them. And when my love is diminished, so is consolation. So, those
who want to gain lose, and those who are willing to lose gain. In
other words, those who are willing to lose their own consolation
for their neighbors’ welfare receive and gain me and their
neighbors, if they help and serve them lovingly. And so they enjoy
the graciousness of my charity at all times.
"But those who do not act
this way are always in pain. For sometimes they simply must help,
if not for love than of necessity, whether it is a spiritual or
bodily ailment their neighbor has. But thought they help, their
help is painful. Weary in spirit and goaded by conscience, they
become insupportable to themselves and others. And if you ask
them, ‘Why do you feel this pain?’ they would answer,
‘Because I seem to have lost my spiritual peace and quiet. I
have abandoned many things I have been in the habit of doing, and
I believe that I have offended God by this.’ But this is not the
case. Because their sight is set on their own pleasure they do not
know how to discern or know in truth where their offense really
lies. Otherwise they would see the offense lies not in being
without spiritual consolation, nor in abandoning an exercise of
prayer in favor of their neighbor’s need, but rather in being
found without charity for their neighbor, whom they ought to love
and serve for love of me. So you see how deluded they are - and
only because of their own spiritual self-centeredness."
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