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AME's Ransom on the Christian State

Reverdy C. Ransom, speaking  in 1906, was a pastor, editor and bishop in the AME church.

      "When Christianity received its Pentecostal baptism and seal from heaven it is recorded that, 'there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heave. ... St. Paul, standing in the Areopagus, declared to the Athenians that, 'God hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth.'
     "Jesus Christ founded Christianity in the midst of the most bitter and intense antagonism of race and class. Yet he ignored them all, dealing alike with Jew, Samaritan, Syro-Phoenician, Greek and Roman. ... The crowning object at which Jesus Christ aimed was, to 'break down the middle wall of partition,' between man and man ... And this He did, 'that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby, do making peace.' ... (p. 337-8 in African American Religious History: A Documentary Witness, ed. Milton C. Sernett, Duke U Pr., 1999) 

     "The Negro in America cherished no ideals, holds to no other principles save those that are soundly American. Why then this fear of being Africanized? We hear no fear expressed of our country being Germanized or Jewized; we hear no cy going up from North or South against Irish political ascendancy. Is there any evidence anywhere in a single page of American history where the Negro has been less patriotic and true to our institutions than any of these elements which we have named? ... (p. 343)

     "The attitude of the Christian State toward this question should be to seek to lift up all men who are sinking down, and to clear the way and throw wide the gates to all peoples who are seeking to climb upward in education, in wealth, in character and in all that better growth of the human spirit which makes for manhood." (p. 345)

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