Theology |
Parham on Social Reform
Note: Charles Parham was a founder of
the Assembly of God.
"While we are
not personally a member of any lodge, or union, neither have we aught
against them, for if the church had done its duty in feeding the hungry
and clothing the naked, these institutions would not have existed"
(from Parham's Everlasting Gospel, p. 33 as quoted in Vision of
the Disinherited: The Making of American Pentecostalism by Robert
Mapes Anderson, 1979, p. 210)
"How long can
this nation go unpunished, when the principle support of the city
government is blood money, drawn from the saloons and the brothels,
wine-presses, where the blood of your sons and daughters is ruthlessly
trodden out. Thousands perishing year after year, with scarce a pitying
eye, save of Him who shall render judgment. ...
"According to the Word of God, we are facing
an international struggle, wherein the governments, and the rich and the
churches will be arrayed on one side. On the other side will stand the
masses of wage slaves who have been ground under the iron heel of
oppression, whose lives have been exploited in industries and sweatshops
until their whole being cries out for revenge. Conditions have obtained
similar to those when a nation is sorely oppressed by a foreign power and
the people patriotically arise to overthrow the power of the oppressor.
... The Bible declares that the rich will be killed like dogs. ... It is
God's purpose to let all the plans of humanity fail, that they may be
ready and willing to accept the rule of the Son of God. ...
"The Lord demands today of every true
follower that he drop narrow creedisms, sink denominationalism into
oblivion, accept the full gospel with all its gifts and graces, and purify
their hearts for His soon coming, or be lost in the chaos and darkness of
the coming overthrow of nations in the 'struggle of the classes.'" (The
Sermons of Charles F. Parham, 1985, p. 118, 20, 26, 32)
"In a 1912
sermon Parham lampooned the United States in resistance saying 'this
country will end with a dictator and a final fall ... in which the
government, the rich and the churches will be on one side and the masses
on the other.' " Heaven Below by Grant Wacker, Harvard U Pr,
2001, p. 218.
CSCO, P.O. Box 60123, Dayton, OH 45406; email:cscocbco@aol.com
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