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Bishop C. H. Mason, COGIC Founder

     "Seymour brought a radical view to the pentecostal revival of the twentieth century. While white pentecostals tended to limit the work of the Holy Spirit to personal piety and charismatic displays, Seymour and Mason brought to the pentecostal revival movement three interdependent dynamics of African-Christian consciousness - holiness, spiritual encounter/empowerment, and prophetic social consciousness, rooted in Slave Religion and preserved in black holiness-pentecostalism. By prophetic social consciousness, I mean a send that the Holy Spirit not only transforms persons but rearranges relationships and structures. ... 

     The unusual evolution of the Church of God in Christ, one of the major non-white organizational outcomes of the Azusa Street vision, enable C. H. Mason and his followers to lead an effective assault upon American racism.  ... The Azusa Street revival brought a new dynamic into the Church of lGod in Christ. While visiting Los Angeles, Charles Mason experienced the power of the Holy Ghost in a new way." (Bishop C. H. Mason, Ithiel C. Clemmons, 1996, p. 57-9)

      "The first day in the meeting (Azusa Prayer Meetings - 1907) I began to thank God in my heart for all things, for when I heard some speak in tongues, I knew it was right though I did not understand it. Nevertheless, it was sweet to me. I also thanked God for Elder (William) Seymour who came and preached a wonderful sermon. His words were sweet and powerful and it seems that I hear them now while writing. When he closed his sermon, he said, 'All of those that want to be sanctified or baptized with the Holy Ghost, go to the upper room; and all thos that want to be justified come to the altar.' I said that is the place for me, for it may be that I am not converted and if not, God knows it and can convert me" (C. H. Mason in Clemmons, p. 146) 

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