"There is not a single area of life or society
that God does not want to transform and bring hope to. As followers
of Christ, we are to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God
and engage society so it can see kingdom principles lived out in our
individual lives and communities. Although I'm not a
postmillennialist theologically, I love the fact that Edwards,
Whitfield, and many of the earlier preachers believed they had a
responsibility to prepare the church, the bride, for Christ's
return. That meant they had an active role in establishing the
kingdom here in society.
"Today the prevailing theological wind toward
society is 'us against them.' The assumption is that things are
going to get wo4rse and worse and worse until Jesus returns - so
what's the point? Why do anything to help society at all if it's all
going to pot anyhow? What a pessimistic view! That's totally
opposite of what Jesus told his followers. He told them to be ready,
be busy, be watchful - time if short. ...
"So, if the kingdom is comprehensive, is
global peace possible? If I didn't think it was possible, I'd give
up! Do I think perfection and sanctification this side of heaven is
possible? No. However I want to keep doing all that I can and grow
in my faith and in the image of Christ because that's the will of
God. His kingdom is all about that. If I reject the world, I reject
his kingdom, and I'm supposed to be part of establishing his kingdom
on this earth. When Jesus instructed us to be salt and light, there
was never a question in his mind that it wasn't possible - he
expected us to be."
from Glocalization, by Bob Roberts Jr.,
Zondervan, 2007. Roberts is founding pastor of Northwood Church in