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Edw. Beecher on Human Society  

"A system of the universe centering in god and the church, according to the Scriptures (489) ... alone so presents God and his government as to furnish the logical means of effecting in principle and spirit a radical destruction of those despotic civil and ecclesiastical organizations in which is the great stronghold of the god of this world, and which are the chief impediment to the spread of the gospel and the conversion of the world. It calls for reorganizing human society in accordance with the principle of the kingdom of God (491). ...

All hostile rule and authority and power shall be put down and that all enemies shall be put beneath the Redeemer's feet (1 Cor 15:24-5) (498). ...

It is not enough that the existing system can do some good: we need a system that shall give us the power intelligently to meet and logically to solve all of the great work of converting the world, and thoroughly reorganizing human society ... solidly by the gospel of Christ, in its purity and power, as applied to all the relations of human society. (iii) ...

The conflict is a conflict of the heart ... the subject of this conflict has been no less a theme than THE MORAL RENOVATION OF MAN. Through a long course of centuries, the Christian world has been divided into opposing parties on this great question ... the divine and mysterious sovereignty (vs.) desire of urging society onward in the pursuit of moral excellence." (1-3)

Conflict of Ages: by Edward Beecher, 1853. Beecher was a leader in the evangelical abolitionist cause.

"1. That we are first of all to use all possible means to ascertain the purposes of God ... 2. Never hope finally to avert a discussion of the great fundamental principles of human society, which is called for by the course of God's providence and the movements of the age. 3. Let the movements of God's providence decide as to the time of the discussion. ... 4. Employ the time allowed by Providence in studying the subject, and the structure of human society ... 5. ... let no amount of popular prejudice, and no fear of personal sacrifice deter us from following out our own convictions of duty, in the fear of God. ...6. Let all discussions of truth be conducted under a vivid sense of the presence of God ... to diffuse a spirit of holiness throughout the community; and decidedly and boldly to rebuke every form of sin. 7. Avoid giving needless occasions of irritation, excitement, and lawless violence. 8. Aim to diffuse kind feelings throughout the community and especially to strengthen the bonds of union among good men. 9. ... A community deeply involved in the commission of evil loves neither disturbance, repentance, nor rebuke. Their language is, Let us alone. And any exhibition of the truth, however well meant, which reaches the conscience will cause bitterness and reaction."

Narrative of Riots at Alton by Edward Beecher, Dutton & Co, 1965 (1837), p7-8.



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