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Augustine on Two Cities 

"It is that humility is specially recommended to the city of God as it sojourns in this world, and is specially exhibited in the city of God, and in the person of Christ the King; while the contrary vice of pride, according to the testimony of the sacred writings, specially rules his adversary the devil. And certainly this is the great difference which distinguishes the two cities of which we speak, the one being the society of the godly men, the other of the ungodly, each associated with the angels that adhere to their party, and the one guided and fashioned by love of self, the other by love of God.

"The devil, then, would not have ensnared man in the open and manifest sin of doing what God had forbidden, had man not already begun to live for himself. It was this that made him listen with pleasure to the words, 'Ye shall be as gods' [Gen3:5], which they would much more readily have accomplished by obediently adhering to their supreme and true end than by proudly living to themselves. ...

"Accordingly, two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly by the love of self, even to the contempt of God,; the heavenly by the love of God, even to the contempt of self. The former, in a word, glories in itself, the latter in the Lord. For the one seeks glory from men; but the greatest glory of the other is God, the witness of conscience." (chapter 13, 28)

"Where there is no true right-dealing, there may be no gathering united by consent to right, and so no people and no people's wealth, merely an indeterminate multitude unworthy of the name of 'people.' The argument, then, runs as follows: a commonwealth is a people's wealth, and there exists no right where there is no rightness, so the conclusion is irresistible that without right-dealing there is commonwealth. But right-dealing, or justice, is the virtue of giving each his own. What 'human rightness' can there be in taking man himself away from God and subjecting him to unclean demons? is that giving each his own? To take an estate from its purchaser and to give it to someone with no title to it, is not right. Is it right to take ourselves back from our owner, God who made us, and to serve evil spirits?" (chapter 21)

Augustine: The City of God in A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Father of the Christian Church, Vol 2, pp 411, 498. 

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