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Baptist Congregations in Community Organizing



Direct Action and Research Training, Inc. (DART)

The Gamaliel Foundation

Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF)

The PICO (Pacific Institute for Community Organizing) National Network


Congregations and Associations:

Allen Temple Baptist Church, Oakland, CA is a member of OCC (Oakland Coalition of Congregations), an affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation. BPFNA partner congregation).

Boston Missionary Baptist Church, Roxbury, MA is a member of GBIO (Greater Boston Interfaith Organization), an IAF affiliate.

Catalina Baptist Church, Pima County, AZ is a member of PCIC (Pima County Intefaith Council) and AIN (Arizona Interfaith Network), IAF affiliates. 

Christian Baptist Church, Montgomery, MD is a member of AIM (Action in Montgomery), an IAF affiliate.

Circle of Mercy, Asheville, NC is a member of CUC (Christians for United Community) in Asheville.  BPFNA partner congregation.

Cleveland Street Baptist Church, Nashville, TN is a member of TNT (Tying Nashville Together), an IAF affiliate. 

Emmanuel Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate.

Evergreen Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate. 

Faith Missionary Baptist Church

Fifteenth Avenue Baptist Church, Nashville, TN is a member of TNT (Tying Nashville Together), an IAF affiliate. 

First Baptist Church-Capitol Hill, Nashville, TN is a member of TNT (Tying Nashville Together), an IAF affiliate.  [Note: This historic African-American congregation was a major organizing site for the Nashville movement during the civil rights struggle of the 1960s.]

First Baptist Church, Dayton, OH is a member of LEAD (Leaders for Equality and Action in Dayton), a DART affiliate. BPFNA partner congregation.

First Baptist Church, Green Bay, WI is a member of JOSHUA (Justice Organization Sharing Hope and United for Action), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate.

First Baptist Church, Springfield, OH is a member of JAM (Justice-Action-Mercy), a DART affiliate. BPFNA partner congregation.

Glendale Baptist Church, Nashville, TN is a member of TNT (Tying Nashville Together), an IAF affiliate.  BPFNA partner congregation.

Good Shepherd Baptist Mission, Anchorage, AK is a member of AFACT (Anchorage Faith & Action Congregations Together), a PICO affiliate.

Grace Baptist Church, San Jose, CA is a member of PACT (People Acting in Community Together), a PICO affiliate. BPFNA partner congregation.

Greater Galilee Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate

Jeff Street Baptist Community at Liberty, Louisville, KY is a member of CLOUT (Citizens of Louisville Organized and United Together), a DART affiliate.  BPFNA partner congregation.  Rev. Robert Owens, a Presbyterian minister and the spouse of Jeff Street's pastor, Rev. Cindy Weber, is CLOUT's lead organizer.

King Solomon Baptist Church, Omaha, NE is a member of OTOC (Omaha Together One Community), an IAF affiliate.

Koinonia Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD is a member of BUILD (Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development), an IAF affiliate.

Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church, Oakland, CA is a member of OCC (Oakland Coalition of Congregations), an affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation.  BPFNA partner congregation.

Mercy Memorial Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate.

Memorial Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD is a member of AIM (Action in Montgomery), an IAF affiliate.

Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Pima County, AZ is a member of PCIC (Pima County Intefaith Council) and AIN (Arizona Interfaith Network), IAF affiliates. 

Mt. Level Baptist Church, Durham, NC is a member of Durham CAN, an IAF affiliate.

Mt. Nebo Baptist Church, Nashville, TN is a member of TNT (Tying Nashville Together), an IAF affiliate. 

Mt. Nebo Baptist Church, Omaha, NE is a member of OTOC (Omaha Together One Community), an IAF affiliate.

Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate.

Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate.

New Covenant Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate.

New Hope Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate.

New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Gainesville, FL is a member of ACTION (Affiliated Congregations to Improve Our Neighborhoods), a PICO affiliate.

New Life Missionary Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD is a member of BUILD (Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development), an IAF affiliate.

New Visions Baptist Church, Nashville, TN is a member of TNT (Tying Nashville Together), an IAF affiliate. 

Noank Baptist Church, Noank, CT is a member of the Coalition for the Prevention of Hate Crimes, a CT regional network.  BPFNA partner congregation.

North Winston Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate.

Peacehaven Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate.

People's Baptist Church, Roxbury, MA is a member of GBIO (Greater Boston Interfaith Organization), an IAF affiliate.

Pilgrim Baptist Church, Omaha, NE is a member of OTOC (Omaha Together One Community), an IAF affiliate.

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate.

Pilot Mountain Baptist Association in North Carolina is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate.

Pleasant Green Baptist Church, Nashville, TN is a member of TNT (Tying Nashville Together), an IAF affiliate. 

Providence Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate.

St. Mark Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate.

St. Luke's Primitive Baptist Church, Nashville, TN is a member of TNT (Tying Nashville Together), an IAF affiliate. 

Second Baptist Church, Kenosha, WI is a member of CUSH (Congregations United to Server Humanity), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate. 

Shiloh Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate.

Tabernacle Community Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI is a member of MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate.

Trinity Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD is a member of BUILD (Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development), an IAF affiliate.

Trinity Tabernacle Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA is a member of ABLE (Atlantans Building Leadership for Empowerment), a Gamaliel Foundation affiliate. 

Union Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD is a member of BUILD (Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development), an IAF affiliate.

Union Baptist Church, NC is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate.

Union Chapel Baptist Church, NC is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate.

United Cornerstone Baptist Church,NC is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate.

Wake Forest Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC is a member of CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), an IAF affiliate. BPFNA partner congregation.

Westwood Baptist Church, Nashville, TN is a member of TNT (Tying Nashville Together), an IAF affiliate. 

Zion Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD is a member of BUILD (Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development), an IAF affiliate.


Michael Westmoreland-White compiled this extensive list. CSCO welcomes additions from other denominations.


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  CSCO, P.O. Box 60123, Dayton, OH 45406; email:cscocbco@aol.com phone:508-799-7726